APSC 103 Coordinator: Dr. Brian Frank

The engineering design module (APSC 103) is centered on a team-based project where students are partnered with clients, primarily in the local community. Supporting activities focus on concepts including design process and tools, project management, information management, teaming, professional communication, personal learning styles, economics, and workplace safety.

A key feature of this module is the use of upper year engineering students as paid project managers. These managers are consistently highly regarded by first year students due to their professionalism and accessibility. Although they are hired to only manage projects specific to APSC-103, in practice they also play the role of general academic peer mentors for first year students.

Email questions or concerns about APSC 103 to apsc100.m1m3@queensu.ca. Course information and online resources are in Queen’s onQ under “APSC-103”.

Information about past projects, community client perspectives, student perspectives and how to become a community partner are available here: Community Projects.

Meet your project manager

students working on project students working on project
group shot of students
Queen’s first year engineering students visit their client on-site at Lafarge.